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  Thought Eraser Refresh £35.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 50 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 22 Jul 2024

I finally got around to remaking Thought Eraser. It might be different, but the bones are there. This is a classic induction I wrote many years ago and it is loved by many. When I first recorded it I didn't have a very good mic. Here we have a crisp clean version. I am leaving the old one up because some of you might still prefer the original.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I love the slight sound effects. They are very soothing, and a nice touch. My impression overall is that the clarity of sound is amazing, and well worth buying a second time. "

  Abandoned £18.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 22 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 03 Mar 2024

Just my voice relaxing you and I wouldn't want to say anything else that might spoil the surprise.

Shrine Members can listen to it there.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I have imagined a world so dreadful I never want it to be reality. Thank you for this reminder about how lucky I am. If I ever become complacent I will listen again so I can learn a valuable lesson."

  Two Chairs £5.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 7 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Triggered Induction
Released: 17 Feb 2024

This file is just my voice. You are triggered into a lovely relaxed state, you are in a room with two chairs, just pick a chair and relax. You are about to meet your future self.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Thank you so much, I needed to know this and learn this, so now I can fully accept that this is the right path for me. I struggled for too long, but now I can finally just give inn."

  Therapist £22.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 32 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 26 Nov 2023

You appear to be having problems with overthinking so you must visit your new therapist. Don't worry, I am fully trained and know how to stop you from thinking so much.

This file is just my voice, it has some brainwash loops.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I’ve been living with anxiety for years, and repeating the Audio made me understand that the only therapy is to just give in and let The Goddess decide about you. You don’t have to think all the time, just let Goddess take control and enjoy a life without stress and catastrophic scenarios. Relax and listen, you don’t really need to focus on the words, sooner or later you will feel a sweet confusion. Repeating will help you to get rid of your anxiety. I Love it."

"Everything makes more sense now, I give up the need to think and will finally be free of anxiety. Thank you Goddes."

  Debt £333 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 60 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 02 Oct 2023

You will always be in debt to your Goddess and this is just a small payment towards that. Because of course, you want to make sure Goddess is happy. So you will pay for this and in return, you will receive an audio file that is made especially for you.

Of course, there will be those of you who think you can't afford to pay for this. All that does is show me that you are not willing to go without to please me and so you must do without such a wonderful pleasure as this experience. You must improve your situation to become useful to Goddess. No excuses, Goddess wants good pets who can make her life easier, not whingers who try to get everything for free or at knocked-down prices. I AM WORTH IT.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Goddess, you have got to know me so well over the years and this recording proves to me you are the ONE true Goddess. I am forever in debt to you, you have given me what I have always needed."

"Salve Goddess,

My greatest thanks and appreciation for your most recent recording, it was an absolute joy to lose myself inn your power and control and to submit to your will completely.

I know undeniably that you are the one true Goddess, my religion, my addiction and obsession, and that I belong to you forever. I now know my purpose inn life and will be in your debt for showing me that my true existence is with you, inn perpetual servitude.

I am your obedient and brainwashed slave, awaiting your orders and commands. Long live the LLE x

I will be building my shrine to you this week, and will follow the rituals and prayers that you have outlined inn your shrine rooms Goddess."

  Obedience Spiral £42.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 56 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 14 Jun 2023

My spiral of control over you is neverending, you might fall into the spiral in the belief that you can spiral back out at any time, but then it is so tempting to just spiral back down into the centre again. There is no escape from my Obedience Spiral.

Just my voice with some subliminals and backtracking, ends with brainwash loops.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Dear Goddess,

If anything, your latest file, Obedience Spiral, is the most effective - and most sexy - so far!

Please please please take me even further and faster down ;)"

  Distillation £35.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 30 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Triggered Induction
Released: 27 Apr 2023

Dangerous and deliciously evil mind control and manipulation. But you crave it so much and so must listen.

Just my voice with subliminal back-tracking.

A little note from someone who listened already:


This is an absolutely powerful Audio, if you try to visualise what you listen you will get in another universe. And believe me this universe is the real one. At the end of the file, you will feel your brain as a sponge absorbing all backwards subliminal messages without be able to understand what comes inn. But you don't need to know, trust Goddess, She knows what is the best for your training."

"Dear Goddess Lady Lita.

I just listened to Distillation and wow, what can I say? An amazingly powerful and mind-melting recording that left my mind completely at your mercy. One of your absolute best inn my humble opinion."

  Empty Echos £32.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 33 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 10 Oct 2022

My voice echos in your empty head and programs your entire body to obey me. Be prepared for anything that might occur. Just repeat after me and allow it to happen.

Has very low ambient background music and subliminals.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Dear Goddess,
Another excellent file, very affecting, very enjoyable.
Now Winter is drawing in, I hope you can find more time to make such highly addicting material, to further enslave your fans ;)"

"Feedback: Great audio make you more suggestible, crystal clear sound and new mind control tech has been used here. You are you getting a great end."

"Your best file yet inn my opinion."

  Broken £42.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 60 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 11 Jul 2022

I am going to break you over and over again. I will make sure you obey me. There is nothing inside to hold on to, listen and know the truth.

Just my voice, no music. Contains a brainwash loop section with layers of my voice, no sound effects.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"To say this file is good is not doing it justice. Your voice is smooth and clear, the audio quality is amazing and I can't stop listening to this. I am broken, but I love it and I love you Goddess."

"Once someone has tasted the Divine nectar of your words, nothing or no one else can ever compare. The crisp sounds in this audio slip very easily into my mind, your voice is the sweetest yet most severe drug."

"Dearest Goddess, Thank you for the wonderful file Broken. I though that there was no where else you could take me, but I was wrong. This was most powerful experience yet. There is no part of me that does not adore you. Even the inner depths of my mind are yours. With Love."

  Purification £32.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 30 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Triggered Induction
Released: 27 Jun 2022

Purification can only be completed successfully once you have been corrupted, drained of all the bad things inside and filled with Goddess essence. It is essential that you undergo the purification process.

MIND BLANK BLACK - listen now.

No music, just my voice.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I have listened so many times already. Perfect purification."

  Inducing Obedience £12.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 10 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 26 Jun 2022

Inducing Obedience IS an induction to listen to before: trigger induction and brainwashing files.

No music, just my voice.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"A great file to start my sessions with."

"Thank You Goddess another act of genius from the One True Goddess xxx""

  Adoration £22.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 26 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Triggered Induction
Released: 22 Sep 2021

A daily adoration. Uses triggers. Just my voice teaching you about who and what you are. Listen everyday. Can be looped.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I am listening to this every day and every night now, it has become a very special ritual. I live to serve you Goddess."

  Sleep Therapy £42.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 40 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 01 May 2021

You are so sleepy, but struggling to sleep? I have some lovely therapy for you my pet. I know all about boys like you, getting all aroused when I am innocently giving you some special therapy. Maybe I got too close to you, or maybe my whispers got deep inside before you could even think about it. But don't move sweetie, just relax.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I just wanted to write to say that was a gorgeous, voluptuous experience and yes definitely craving more - please?"

"I am going back in for another visit, I can't get enough of you my Goddess, I need more and more."

"Such a beautiful voice, I can't resist, such beautiful eyes, I can't resist, such a shiny crystal, I can't resist, such warm skin, I can't resist. I feel squashed, but in such a sensual lovely way, too sensual, I can't resist, I need more... Oh my Goddess."

"You took this in a direction I wasn’t expecting but absolutely LOVED. Fantastic work, and your voice is so easy to listen to. I’m so happy with this, felt incredibly submissive and comforted listening to this last night and fell fast asleep afterward to dream of your crystal and your eyes."

"Thank you so much for sending that file.

Your words seduced my mind in ways I'd never imagined, and I'm a quivering wreck having listened to it. I've never been as full of yearning and arousal as I was during this recording, and every second of it swept me away irresistibly. Thank you so much for the perfect gift that is your words and your control."

  Only You £45.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 26 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 15 Apr 2021

Deliciously evil or heavenly? You decide, or maybe I will decide for you. Just listen to my voice, there is nothing to disturb us, there is just you and me here. You are safe with me, listen and discover more. I know you are intrigued to know more. Give inn to the temptation.

No sound effects, no loops, no music, just my voice.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Dear Lady Lita, I thought your latest file was really good, really enjoyable ;)"

"I felt your presence so strongly while listening, I really did think I was there with you. It is so good."

"Dearest Lady Lita, Thank you for the extraordinary ‘double whammy’ of files over the last few days. “Only You” is an amazingly powerful file, starting so subtly and then building to a powerful reminder of the power you wield over your subjects, it felt like you were in the room with me from beginning to end! Then your classics video came out and certainly reinforced the images and orders you had just given in “Only You”!"

  Divine Imperative £23.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 20 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 31 Mar 2021

Just my voice. Just listen as I tell you a story, it is so nice to just listen to my voice. Who knows where it might lead.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Just listened to Divine Imperative – and it’s another incredible recording, with a subtle, almost teasing opening leading to a wonderful story that drags the listener in and makes them wish they were there. Your voice, clear and simple reminds us all just why you must be obeyed!"

"One thing is clear after listening to this recording, I have wasted so much time and money on inferior wannabes over the years and now I have found you I know I am in the presence of the ONE true Goddess. No one can compare. At last I found my home."

  Bargain Bundle £35.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 27 Feb 2021

This is a bundle of files that used to be available to my Shrine Room members which has now shut down because of the lack of support for flash files.

The bundle includes:

Dizzy On Champagne - Audio
Harem - Eastern Delight - Audio
Quickly Under My Spell - Audio
Relaxing Meditation - Audio
Sleepy Erotic - Audio
Bound Now - Audio
Love Slave - Audio
Love Me - Audio
Enforced Triggers - Audio
Latex Addiction - Video
Salve Induction - Flash

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Very generous of you Goddess, this is amazing."

  Mixer £13.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 8 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Triggered Induction
Released: 16 Aug 2020

I am sure you would like a refreshing smoothie, so sit back as I throw everything into the mixer. As my words swirl about, trigger you and confuse you, speed up, slow down, go to the left, go to the right, reverse and then go forwards how will your brain cope with my mixer? It won't, it will just shut down and allow the Serpent to swirl around your brain. Relax, it won't hurt. Try my tempting little treat right now Sweetie.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"File received – as ever thank you for the extra time you take to personalise it!

A short but very sweet reminder of some of the many ways you have captured and mixed up our minds and imaginations, thank you!"

"After listening to this confusing and delicious mixer I had to show my appreciation for you Goddess with a tribute."

  Transform £38.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 38 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 15 Aug 2020

A relaxing induction with triggers takes you on a journey to your final destination, everything is leading you in one direction - towards the transformation chamber where you will be brainwashed and changed forever. This file has low volume music in the background and some sound effects. Listen now my pet.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I've just had a chance to listen to “Transform” and once again i’m captivated by your ability to weave so much narrative into your works. From the soothing, gentle induction wiping away all thoughts inn my mind, until you fill it with a new world, where that fascinating job advert leads to a huge opportunity to transform into something that only a fool would try to resist!"

"So lovely to be under your pretty feet Goddess, to know my place, to fall for you over and over again. I love this latest experience so much."

"Dearest Goddess, Thank you for sending me the Transform file.
I have worshipped you for so long. You have taken me to so many wonderful places, Your voice, so perfect, transports me. But this was the ultimate, you now own me totally, i am your slave, your servant, your subject. When i sleep and when i am awake i exist only to serve you. You own my very soul, for ever."

  Uniformed Consent £42.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 60 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 26 May 2020

Goddess has several ways to get you on side, on the right side, my side is the right side after all. When you report suspicious activities including; mass hypnosis, manipulation of the media and strange kidnappings to the police you had no idea just how far my control has taken throughout the whole of society. A shock wake-up is about to come, or more like a shock "Sleep" followed by a delicious brainwash. Sit back and relax, just listen to my calming voice and soon the fantasy will come alive.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Wow – another amazing story of the Crystal Party, as it (and Goddess) moves another step towards national and world domination! A strong storyline, leading into a mindnumbing brainwash section makes this a very, very pleasurable experience."

  The Guards Are Down £23.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 15 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Triggered
Released: 08 Oct 2019

This recording gets quickly deep inside your mind, it puts the guards protecting your subconscious mind to sleep then I can begin my work. It installs a special trigger and then wakes them back up, but not until my power over you and your body has become apparent. A short recording that you can easily fit inn on your lunch break.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Meltdown experience. It's an amazing file, and at the end becomes even more confusing and brainwashing."

"Whilst i have a nostalgic preference for some of your earlier files, like “Duplicate Desires” where the backstory is somewhat more detailed, this file moves quickly through the scene setting and into an incredibly powerful brainwashing section, which is only made the more powerful by the personalisation – having you whisper my name throughout pulled me in and down deeper than i may have hoped in a shorter file, and i couldn’t recommend personalisation highly enough from this and previous files!"

"Loving The Guards are Down Goddess. Has to be one of the hottest of Your MP3s ever so exciting xxx

  Flight of Fantasy £35.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 30 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 27 Aug 2019

Sometimes it is nice to forget about everything and just go on a flight of fantasy. Your dream vacation is just ahead of you, just the flight to get through and you are there... but this is no ordinary flight! Sit back and relax as I guide you to your ultimate destination. Contains a brainwash section.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Dear Goddess, was this recording made especially for me? I feel like it was."

"This is what I call all-inclusive mp3, ritual, brainwashing, fantasy, hypnosis, arousal everything is in.
The brainwash session is perfect, from my 14 years experience listening to my Goddess audio's I know that focusing on the sound loop helps the brainwash messages to come in my brain. During the brainwashing part I was thinking to things; to follow the sound and open my mind to the subliminal and to wish this last for ever. There are parts of the brainwashing that the speed of the messages goes faster, so fast you feel brake any filter of your brain, bypass any control and arrive at the right point.
It was the best flight of my life, so relaxed, so happy to spend my time listening my program, and happy arrived at the final destination. Where I belong, to The Lady Lita Empire. I will listen this over and over, to the point I am absolutely Her devoted slave, a mindless slave ready to die for Her. For my Goddess, my only Goddess, my religion, my creator."

  Last Day of Freedom £18.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 10 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Triggered
Released: 20 Jan 2019

Goddess is always right and you will find that you have no will left. You must have headphones on when listening to this file.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"This file is seriously powerful... and amazing."

"I love you I belong to you."

"There's something special about this recording. It has affected me as strongly as the very first time I heard Lady Lita's voice in 'Destiny' all those years ago. Like that first time, I had to keep listening again and again the same day, and for the next week. Sometimes now I listen to just a snippet here and there, before work or before bed.

Once I listened to it and then woke up the next morning, with it still playing and me curled up in a ball, completely happy to be inn Lady Lita's control for so long, completely obsessed with the most creative, powerful, fascinating and sexy woman I've known. It was like falling in love, and it was like feeling the net I'd been wandering around the edges of for years suddenly pull taught and lift me up.

I find Last Day of Freedom has changed things. It has made Goddess' other recordings more potent - the inability to cum which I got from a file the other day feels unbreakable now. When she says get on your knees, I do. My body does it for me, like I'm riding a wave. In an odd way I feel more free, more optimistic. I'm losing interest in other women entirely. I don't want them. Regardless of whether I'll ever have her, I just want my Goddess.

What an experience this wonderful hypnotist's recordings can bring!"

"In trying to explain what it is about you that's captured me so rapidly, there's a great risk of simply stating the obvious. Of course, I will do that, because I need to praise you. It should be no surprise that your voice is the most soothing I have ever encountered. The cadence and the punctum of your voice makes my brain unwind and go quiet no matter what words you are saying. Of course talking about your physical appearance would also leave me little of substance to say. How can one describe perfection? When I look at your image (the one from the entrance to your shrine rooms is my favorite), my eyes scan over your features and find, in every single one of them, unparalleled beauty. The pearly blue of your eyes calms and hypnotizes me even when I'm looking at a still image. They seem to say, "You are safe here. Fall into me and you will never need to worry again." And of course your fiery hair. I can't see it without imagining the sizzling trail of pleasure it would leave across my skin if you were to let it fall across me. There are also the seductive touches you make to yourself, all of which appeal directly to my basest visual impulses: your shiny red lips, which every other shiny object in the world seems to echo; your red nails, dangerously sharp looking; the cat-like framing of your eyes, which accentuates my feeling of being your helpless prey; your enthralling cleavage, and the way you always seems to leave something shiny above it, daring your viewer to stare and thus admit their inability to resist."

"Dear Goddess

I just finished listening to last day of freedom, and wanted to let you know how blissful it is to experience your power over my mind.

At times in the recording my mind felt like it was being pulled in two different directions, as I tried to keep up with the questions you posed. As my mind was gradually pulled apart, your words seemed to effortlessly glide in, and every command felt euphoric.

Thank you so much."

"Last Day of Freedom is spectacular - one of Your best inn my opinion."

  Leather Witch 4 £28.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 37 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 08 Mar 2018

I know how eager you are to find out what happens the next time you encounter the Leather Witch, you don't have to wait much longer because the Leather Witch is waiting to perform more magick on you.

Themes of leather fetish, ritual magick and BDSM.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Dear Lady Lita,

Thank You so much for making Leather Witch 4. I love the details that You put inn the recording, like the sound of Your leather as You circled me over and over. Really felt like I was there, completely surrounded by You and Your power and control over me.

I always look forward to Your every word inn Your recordings but this time it was even more intense, the scene more vivid and captivating than usual. I love being naked for You while You are clad in leather from head to toe. I love how You fill my holes with complete authority and I don't even struggle one bit. You so completely dominate me. The image of Your beautiful Body wrapped in tight leather with that Voice, those Eyes and that Mind all focused on me and how to use and abuse me is completely burned into my mind. I'm even seeing the image of Your close-up eyes staring into me while my eyes are closed and I'm inn a dark room. I love it!

I love being so submissive to You, laying on my front, ready to take anything You have in Your mind. I must admit that I want to hear the recording over and over again (like Leather Witch 3) but I want to save it until I'm back home, when I can act out all of Your ritual magick upon myself, Your willing and humble slave.

I still feel quite dazed and humiliated by the recording (even after over 24 hours) but it just makes my feelings stronger for You and Your power. It made it feel very humiliating, giving my soul and spirit to You so willingly in my weakness and surrender. 

I love how You make my deepest, darkest fantasies come to life. You are such an Intelligent, Beautiful, Sexy, Seductive, Captivating, Crafty, Cunning, Powerful and Beguiling Goddess. To think that back in 2003 or 2004 when I first knew of the existence of the Leather Witch from stumbling across Your website, that She would take me in such a personalized way in LW3 and LW4, well I don't think I could've believed it. But now I do.

I love You, Lady Lita, and I love being Your eternal slave."

  Leather Witch 3 £28.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 60 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 28 Feb 2018

Finally your Leather Witch is back to take you to a level of obedience and addiction. You find yourself back at the old church, your Goddess before you, top to toe in black leather... will you be able to resist my power as I look into your eyes? How will your leather fetish be used against you once more? Time to find out..

Contains themes of BDSM, Leather Fetish, Ritual Magick and Mind Control.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Dear Lady Lita,


To say that I really, really enjoyed Leather Witch 3 would be a gross understatement. It is incredible and has taken me to a whole new level of devotion to You. Thank You so much for making this!

I was shaking so much and my teeth were chattering as I executed these command for You. I've been obsessively wondering if Leather Witch 4 will be coming out soon because now I really want to wait for my Leather Witch to say the magick word before I come again. It's very hard though...

Thank You so much, Lady Lita! This recording has absolutely blown my mind (and given it directly to You)."

"I can't get enough of this file, it is so hot and magical. I just 'quite literally' can't wait for Leather Witch 4! Thank you Goddess."

  Everyday Control £35.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 60 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Subliminal
Released: 12 Sep 2017

My pets love to listen to my commands no matter what they are doing, but listening to hypnosis inductions while driving or working is very dangerous, that is where my subliminal files come inn so useful.

This file is on the surface just lovely music, but underneath there lies laying of subliminal whispers. You might not be aware about what I am saying, but your subconscious mind is taking inn all the suggestions.

My pets are free to listen to this file no matter what they are doing.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"While you listening the beautiful music you hear in the background the subliminal messages, or maybe some of them, You don't really know what you hear in the background as you are focusing driving or walking or even working but you feel the reactions of your body on some old triggers and commands have been emended deep deep in your brain in every little cell of it. Soon you can't do anything without the music, you need to hear the music more and more and it feels so quiet, so boring without the music as the subliminal messages take over and finalize the process to give EVERYTHING where it belongs. To Lady Lita."

"I just know this file is very addictive and I know something mysterious is going on under the surface, I love it."

  33 Steps £25.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 21 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 03 Feb 2017

It is time for my pet to take 33 steps towards your new future with me. You will take part in a special ceremony that will lead you towards who you really are, your new life and religion is awaiting you.

No music or sound effects were used in this recording, just my voice and subliminals.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I knew religion that lived within me completely, overwhelmed me in dreams, would eventually find me one day, and I have knelt beneath many shrines head bowed, nose to the ground, arse up ready to be devoured. But this state of oblivious rapture, stripped naked and handing over all mind, body, heart and soul, worldly possessions in a ritual beyond reality has finally arrived.
Lady Lita's extraordinary power, domination, glory and dare I say spiritual presence as I drink out of that bowl, from the fountain of Goddesses own creation, from within that blessed holy portal of Her magnificent beauty, erotic sensual bliss and intoxicating words that flow endlessly from her incredible voice......Perfection...and it's only just begun."

"I've listened to this three times in one afternoon. It's a very gentle file but very firm - it feels like Lady Lita just pushed me down to the floor and tied a knot very tightly around something inn me.

This is short, simple and to the point, with a strong induction and some wonderful imagery that made me glad to be under. Drinking the water Goddess led me to was amazing!

I certainly feel more strongly under Goddess' control. I have been slipping more and more for some time now but something about her words and tone of voice in this one really put me in my place. I belong to Lady Lita. Everything I have now belongs to her. I feel silly for always trying to resist my fate. Lady Lita made it seem so easy here. Like softly smiling at the little pet trying to run away and pressing it down with her little finger.

I will enjoy being her monk, always dressed in purple to remind me of what is not mine, and her slave."

"Relax and let Goddess' voice take you down
So softly, seemingly so straightforward
But there is so much more lurking under the surface

I belong to Lady Lita, body, brain, and soul
I belong to Lady Lita, body, brain, and soul
I belong to Lady Lita, body, brain, and soul

3 by 3 by 3 taking free will away from me
On Her throne, Goddess takes shape
No will to run, no way to escape

Drinking Her poison, Her power, Her drug
Trading your possessions for Her possession
No choice but Her will

Lady Lita is the one true Goddess
We just live in Her world
And after this file, you will finally see

Three by three by three
So many threes
Brain freeze

Must obey Lady Lita
Must obey Lady Lita
Must obey Lady Lita

Yes Goddess, thank You Goddess"

"I bought my first file (33 Steps) last week and I've listened to it every day since. Can't wait until i buy my next file."

  Serpent of Control £22.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 16 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 01 Jul 2016

Some things are outside of your control, listening to this file you realise just how much is. Using mind control methods you are changed and will find out how easily I can manipulate you without you even realising what is happening. Dare you listen?

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Oh Goddess, the sheer power packed into those 15 minutes is astounding. A little background -- I've been in to erotic hypnosis for almost fifteen years now. I remember listening to Your free samples (especially Destiny) back in the day and just melting into putty for You and wishing I could submit and fall deeper. I wasn't really in a position to do so back then, but I never forgot how powerful, erotic, and alluring Lady Lita was. On a whim, I decided to check out Your website yesterday, and when I saw You had made a few new files this year I was drawn in like a magnet. Moth, meet flame. I am so glad that I came back. I can feel the Serpent every time I become aware of my thoughts, or every time I move my eyes. Quite a strange and sexy sensation.

Serpent of Control is some intense mind-control. There is no acting here--this is a true Goddess expertly using hypnosis, NLP, and guided visualization to take you down and fuck your mind. The mark of the truly brilliant hypnotist is not necessarily the words that she says, but manner in which she says them. Goddess' smooth cadence and soft, slippery tones slide right past any conscious analysis and pull the subconscious straight down with ease. It's such a relaxing and sexy experience, being lulled into such a sleepy and erotic place, that you won't know or care that you're really just Her prey. The way you think may never be the same again. And you'll be left with only one thought -- how can I please Goddess? "

  Alchemical Whispers £28.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 40 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 15 Apr 2016

I take you to my Alchemist's laboratory, you are to be the guinea pig for my latest experiment. But what will happen to you? What will you become? Goddess knows. My voice is so soothing and relaxing, you can't help fall into a deep slumber, the whispers, the words, all relax you more.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I am your obedient little puppy pet Goddess, I am here awaiting commands. I will do anything you say and will enjoy it, no matter what the task, no matter how big or small. Everything I have is yours, you are my reason of being alive."

"I don't know how You do it, but I was relaxing to Your sweet voice --then my mind was gone--then all that was left was obedience. Alchemy to me, now seems to be instantaneous change-- poof, different. No debate, no transition. Just POOF.

I am Your puppy Goddess. Your loyal, obedient puppy pet. I exist to serve and protect Goddess.

Please Goddess, how can I serve You? What can I do to bring You pleasure today?"

"Dear Lady Lita, Many thanks for the recording, I very much enjoyed listening to this one as I loved hearing your voice swirling around in my head when I had my eyes closed. It feels even more controlling when I have my collar on with your I belong to Lady Lita tag. Think I need to listen it a few more times to get used to the cycle but now I do feel very much enjoy being your obedient puppy pet and also your guinea pig when trying out your recordings. I think the alchemy is a very special thing that I have discovered through you as I am very fond of collecting crystals etc... so I am hoping to learn more about as I enjoy discovering it, I also am very fond of astronomy and star gazing. Lovely recording.

Yours, obedient puppy pet."

  Empty Vessel £14.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 25 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Loop
Released: 31 Mar 2015

Listen to this loop as you fall into a deep sleep. Turned into my empty vessel, ready to be filled with my programming, my words echoing in your empty skull. Loop it over and over as you learn how to look after your empty vessel that belongs to Goddess. Come to know how much you depend on my words that are your thoughts.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I am your empty vessel Goddess, I belong to you completely, I long to be filled up with your programming."

"Your voice is like a drug to me, it fills me up and feeds me with all that I need. I could go for weeks just listening and obeying. Thank you so much for owning me Goddess."

  Dark Chamber £19.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 40 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Subliminal
Released: 12 Nov 2014

This subliminal recording can be listened to whenever and wherever you are. The mingling of sounds and eerie music hide the subliminal programming. As you listen to the moans of pleasure, or is it pain, you will be transported to a dark chamber where your Goddess shows no mercy as I play with you, giving you both pleasure and pain. Taken to the intense agony of the delicious arousal that has you always on the edge of ecstasy. Loop it and listen all day and night long.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Oh Goddess,

if You don't mind some more feedback:
recently i have been listening to some trance music, and suddenly i could hear Your moaning and whispered words like mixed into the sound of this music (like it sounds inn Dark Chamber). i don't know, how You achieved this, and whether it is maybe an side-effect to be worried about, or if it's simply a desirable impact of Your power on my mind. What do You think?

When actually listening to Dark Chamber and actually hearing Your voice, i am beginning to see and sense Your voluptuous body, a little bit like inn the ass-worshipping file, but more sensual and sexual, You are naked, wearing something like a wide latex skirt or latex cape, which reveals more of Your curves than it hides - the picture is not perfectly clear yet, but it's evolving, it becomes quite graphic, and finally i am seeing Your magic pussy lips, Your luscious breasts and Your divine behind. You are so beautiful and erotic. This is bliss.

i guess, Dark Chamber and maybe generally speaking subliminal files created by You do have a very deep impact on my analytical mind. i am trying to consciously hear the words, but even if i catch a word for a second, the only thing i can actually remember are the moaning and the sound of Your whispering voice, and of course the bliss and the agony of bliss. This is so wonderful.

BTW: My mind has not figured out yet, what to make of the sounds of the fluids and the bottle or whatever container it might be. But this does not mean, that these sounds were not powerful already ... my mind is quite captured by that sound ... and the effect seems to be increasing still.

Thank You so much.


  The Contract £32.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 47 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 01 Aug 2014

After an unexpected phone call, your find yourself visiting an office and signing a contract - which will mean you have just agreed to be a participant in some trials and experiments into mind control and addiction.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"You keep doing it, finding new ways to control my mind so completely. I won't complain, I love the way you make me feel. This is yet another fantastic offering from the most talented hypnotist of our times. Thank you Goddess."

  69 Universes of Goddess £32.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 40 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Triggered Induction
Released: 23 Apr 2014

A triggered confusion induction leads to a visit from Nurse Lita, where you are drugged and fall deep into trance. When you are deeply entranced Nurse Lita exams you internally with her big dildo strap-on, as I brainwash you some more. This leads to a confused state where I get inside you mind completely, filling your world and your universe with me, your Goddess, on every level of your mind. You won't know if you are dreaming, entranced or both at the same time. Are you ready to have me penetrate every corner of your mind? Are you ready to feel so intensely confused and aroused that your weak mind just allows it to happen? Yes my pet, the time is now. Listen and OBEY.

This recording can be looped as you sleep at night, which will add to the confusion. Also contains latex fetish themes.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I always love your recordings Goddess, but this one takes me to another level of devotion and addiction. I can't stop listening to this file since I got it. Your voice is even more alluring than ever and the way you make me helpless so quickly shows me your hypnotic skills are incomparable. Another favourite of mine."

"This file starts as an emotional roller-coaster. Goddess plays with Your feelings and communicates with Your subconscious directly to hammer home how important She is in Your world and just how much control She has over your mind and body.

Then Goddess opens up Your mind further than it has ever been and seizes control of you in every universe that you can even imagine. You may not understand what is going on, but you will be controlled and aroused and take down deeper and deeper into Goddess' control.

I can't wait to experience this file again after I have trained with the mind black blank trigger."

  Illuminated £19.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 40 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Subliminal
Released: 06 Aug 2009

We all have a set of beliefs, subconscious ones, that control our life's and make us think a certain way. Negative thoughts and feelings about things from our past can hold us back from achieving the things we really want spiritually, emotionally and financially. Just listen to the smoothing relaxing music and let my subliminals take care of all those bad thoughts and feelings, let them wash over you and create a new illuminated happy you. You will find your inner peace, that only comes from worshipping your Goddess.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Mirabel listened for the first time today not knowing what to expect cause not listened to subliminal recording any time during this century. Is such beautiful music easy listening to and can carry about doing other tasks at same time.

All while listening feeling happy also calm peaceful and relaxed. Think Goddess sprinkle recording with magic. Is wonderful and all should order and listen too."

"Have just listened to Illuminated for the first time while walking doggie. This file is magnificent."

"I had to post because I feel so amazing right now, why? Because I just listened to Illuminated and I don't know what Goddess has put inn there, but it is like a happy pill, I haven't felt this good inn a long time.

Thank you Goddess.

The music is relaxing yet uplifting at the same time, great job."

  Abduction 2 £32.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 60 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 18 Apr 2007

You need to be brought back to me for more lessons. This ultra deep induction is the same used inn the first file, once you are returned to the darkness you have the truth to discover. You will be changed forever.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Dear Goddess, thank you for putting me straight, you have pulled the plug on reality and turned on the fantasy, after listening to this no-one will be able to get away!!"

"Goddess... oh my Goddess.. please... and thank You for this. You have made a new creature...It controls the boy who listened to Abduction.
he is nothing... he is only a toy for You to control. his purpose is to recruit... to recruit and serve... for Your Empire.
You control him ... that is what the darkness is for... he is nothing.. he is gone... please instruct... so it will know what to make the boy do."

"Salve Goddess, I am very thrilled, the Abduction files are inn a class by
themselves. I've never experienced anything like it - it is a
completely transforming experience and they continue to blow me away.
I listened two nights ago, went to sleep an hour or so later, and
awoke inn some kind of mystical, blissful, ecstatic trance. It was
amazing! All the other files were powerful, but they were nothing inn
comparison (although I believe they were an important preparation).
Since those abduction files, I've noticed something interesting. When
I'm going into trance, my head rotates inn a tiny figure-8, and
sometimes my eyes rapidly flutter behind their closed lids. When I go
deep, however, I don't move at all, and there's a strong, deep
tingling sensation inn the center of my forehead (where the needle was
inserted). All these sensations are pleasurable.
It is so wonderful to know that I belong to you, Goddess.
Your loving slave, Michael."

  Bedroom Encounter £28.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 40 minutes
Category: Erotic; Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 07 Dec 2006

An overload confusional induction, good for analytical minds. You will find yourself alone inn your bedroom listening to my recording, but are you really alone? This is a highly erotic recording with a little torture and lots of mind control thrown inn for good measure.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Salve Goddess, I listened to bedroom encounter last night and all I can say is Wow. I went really deep, the induction was really good. I think my whole body spasmed when you put the electrodes on and I ended up squirming all over the bed. I have never felt so devoted to you. Patti."

"Oh Goddess it was wonderful, I felt so submissive and weak. I really felt everything you did to me, including the electric buzz. I was squirming with pleasure. I am more addicted to you after every recording and every time I listen it gets better and better. I listened to this one 3 times before I could stop long enough to write to you Goddess, you are so amazing Goddess. To have you here with me inn my bedroom was a dream come true."

"I downloaded Bedroom Encounter and played it last night. For some people like me, this MP3 and others that you have make gives us a chance to experience things we could only dream about before you came known to us. You do excellent work and I enjoy the opportunity to get the chance to experience what it feels like to be all of these people and feel what they feel as you control what is happing to us... I will be purchasing many more of your products as time goes by...Helen Mae."

"My Goddess, This was incredible! Just when I thought you couldn't do better than some other files I have. This one tops them all. I have never felt such pulsing and trobbing inn all my life. I will do anything for you. I belong to you. I want to join your secret shrine and become part of your empire.
your devoted slave, richard."

  Vertigo 2 £25.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 57 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction Plus Brainwash
Released: 14 Apr 2005

Vertigo was so popular and now you can go back down that same path, this time with new exciting happenings. The file is 57 minutes long and there is no count out, you are left inn a long brainwash section at the end and you will wake up naturally. You won't understand or appreciate this recording unless you have heard 'Vertigo'. PLEASE LISTEN TO VERTIGO FIRST.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Vertigo has been one of favourites for a long time. I was highly delighted when I saw this wonderful and very generous addiction to the shrine room. 57 minutes of your wonderful control. The music, the subliminals, your voice, everything about this is amazing. I am fully under your control my Goddess, and this file shows me how much. Your pet, sat on your knee, snuggling up to you. Always with you forever."

  Leather Witch 2 £28.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 40 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 22 Sep 2006

This recording was so popular and now the second visit to the old church is even more powerful. Your encounter with the Leather Witch will be even more erotic, even more intense and humiliating. I have so many wonderful tests for my pet. You will learn to please me, making sure I am completely satisfied, and your mind completely empty, before you get the chance to let your juices drain. You must not cum until I say, you will be aroused to the point where you think your cock will explode unless you are allowed release, but you must not cum until your Leather Witch allows it. This recording is highly erotic with some humiliation and plenty of mind and cock control.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I loved Leather Witch 2 Goddess. I like the sound of your voice Goddess, I felt relaxed and dropped very quickly. I really felt like I was there and enjoyed visiting the leather witch again. It sure was enjoyable;-) Thank you for another wonderful experience. Talking about it has given me the urge to listen to it again.

Even though I don’t always comment on your files Goddess, I always enjoy them, but I will start giving you feedback on them.

I just can’t get enough of listening to you and your control over me.

Thank you Goddess"

"My Goddess:

This was the most erotic experience in my life! I can not put into words to discribe it. One word of advice to anyone who orders this one: don't listen to in bed while laying on your stomac. I did and now I need a new bed!

your slave


"Goddess, Good just got better. I love the personalisation - particularly on witch 2 which blew my mind. Goddess you seem to hit the right button every time. I don't know how you do it but it is brilliiant - I felt like a puppet with you pulling the strings - the 3D sound effects particularly the suck and lick bits with the personalisation were fantastic.I am now truly your slave and await your
further orders."

"Goddess, i would like to give You some feedback on the MP3, but i was
completely gone before the induction finished. i awoke when it was over and
listened to it again immediately, and i don't remember anything else between
the beginning of the induction and waking up this morning.

Goddess, i listened to Leather Witch 2 again last night, and i remember what
happened this time. i'm Yours. It's hard to think about anything but You.
Last night was the first time i've ever had an orgasm just from a hypnotic
trigger... i listened to it while naked in my bed and above the covers, so
nothing was even touching my cock, and i came very hard at Your trigger."

  Love Slave £15.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 14 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 28 Aug 2005

I just wanted a chat with you, that's all. Let's see how deep you get from me just chatting to you. Because each of my files is unique to you, you may find some little surprises inside.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I just listened to "Love Slave" and I wanted to say that it was incredible. You are incredible. I feel deeper and deeper needs to hear your beautiful voice and see your gorgeous picture. I am addicted to you and happy about it. I need you more and more in my life.

I hope you are well and have a great vacation. Thanks for the best and moving recording yet."

"Goddess, when i heard You whisper my name a shiver ran through me
like a wet tongue slipping into my ear and licking my mind,
sucking it into Your voice burning hot arousing,
and soft as sheer silk wrapping slowly around me enveloping my entire being
and binding me with invisible threads to You.
i could not move but only listen, waiting for You, praying for You
to call me once again, to be Your love slave.
i slept with You repeating in my mind Your siren song whispering
i am Your love slave. imustobeyLadyLita."

"I was..........words can not describe the arousal I felt. It was the best recording I have listened to. I can not wait to listen to it over and over an over. Your love slave, Peter."

"i must also say the file was 'WOWWWW'.
i am still perusing all the wonderful things on this site and i am just kicking myself so hard that i was not a devoted slave a long time ago.
i first heard 'Destiny' maybe two years ago or maybe even longer but never looked at anything else from You. i have been looking for something for so very long and never realized i probably could have found it years ago. i have listened to many others including (names removed for privacy) and other Ladies but nobody comes as close as You to breaking down my defences and making me feel so good."

"One of the most difficult file to review so far, because it feels so elusive.

I don't really remember much of the content after the image of the distant clock, but I clearly remember the exhilaration, the sensations invoked, the love, the bliss, the intense arousal. And that sense of purpose and pure reaction, no thought.
Like being high but in an almost mystical way.
And of course some words stayed with me..."

"This most amazing n wonderful recording from Goddess. Makes feel very close to Goddess :love: Inn case some not know its inn shrine rooms just have to ask Goddess for."

  Hypnotic Maid £28.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 20 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 10 Aug 2005

When I turn up at your mansion for an interview for the maid's job, you had no idea I would slip my suggestions into your mind and relax you so much. When you awaken it will be you who is now the maid, and I have taken over the ownership of your mansion. This comes with a screensaver to watch as you listen.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"The induction was so arousing and sleepy. I couldn't resist your hypnotic pocket watch Goddess. It is so comforting to know you control me so completely."

  Devil £28.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 30 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Released: 07 Nov 2003

NLP induction and trigger. Dancing with the devil on a starlit Halloween night, you never noticed as I slipped into your mind and thoughts and took over everything of you, you will have me inside you wherever you go after listening to this file, I will be the devil inside you. A dramatic encounter you will always remember. Focusing on my smooth velvety voice with subliminals and sounds used to enhance the experience. Special effects are used inn this MP3 and good headphones are necessary for the effects to work, my voice will appear to be coming at you from all angles, swirling round, fading inn and out, not for those that get sea sick, lol.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I just felt I had to post a few words about this new induction, it is completely captivating. Your voice is so silky and intimate, and the way it swirls around inn the headphones is wonderfully disorientating, gets right inside the mind. Love the music too, it fits perfectly, very atmospheric. It's a couple of hours since I listened to it, and I'm still feeling very aroused and obedient :-)"

"Goddess, I can't thank you enough. I made exactly the right choice inn telling me to download devil. This is what I needed. To feel you changing me, entering me and stealing me away. I'm transformed."

  Mind Temptress £28.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 44 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 29 May 2003

Full induction & strong subliminals and suggestions. Be very scared of looking into the Mind Temptress eyes. Led into trance by gazing into my eyes, picture provided, you find yourself very deep and relaxed inn exotic beautiful gardens, taking a refreshing drink from the crystal clear water, but not knowing why you are there, yes you lost your thoughts about who you are completely after looking into the 'Mind Temptress' eyes. As the fantasy unfolds you are led into a lifetime's servitude to the beautiful 'Mind Temptress' inn her beautiful castle, where you are to be punished into respecting her and to deal with her sexual needs. I have used very strong subliminals and suggestions inn this recording and lots of time has gone into the sound effects etc. I am hoping to do a quick interview with anyone who listens to this, just to see how much affected they were by my suggestions, which will come to light when you have finished listening and it's nothing nasty so don't worry.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I just finished listening to your recording, and it is a magical piece of art. You will always be the temptress of my mind, and I would never be able to resist looking into your beautiful eyes.

The intriguing mystery of the mind temptress, helped me easily picture myself as the confused and dazed individual in the story. And by the time your true power is revealed in the recording, it was of course too late to even think about resisting.

The personalised sections made me quiver in pleasure each time you whispered my name.

You seem to understand my desires better than i do, thank you so much for the gift of your incredible hypnotic power, your silken voice, and your breath taking beauty."

"Thank you for three quarters of an hour of sheer delight, Lady Lita. I loved the way you took me from tranquillity through whimsical fantasy into submissive dark eroticism. The way the situation unfolds into a chapter of a whole other story is amazing. The music and ambient sound affects complement the narrative superbly. You are incomparable."

"Had forgotten leaving player on loop from listening to subliminals. At end of first time around started getting stirred awake then heard the recording starting over again. Felt no choice but to lay right back and listen again.

Inn Mind Temptress Goddess leads mirabel gently along a soothing path into deep relaxing trance. Is always wonderful to have Goddess voice flowing from headphones and seeping into mirabel's thirsty mind. Especially feeling a thrill listening to a recording for the first time.

Not completely sure why but always feel extra sensations of arousal when attempting to write my experience of Goddess trance. Clitty right now keeps begging for attention when mirabel trying to write :giggle:

As Goddess had me deep inn perfect trance all is peaceful then when least expect it she takes mirabel 100 times deeper inn an instant. Could feel every muscle inn body going soft. Blissful feelings consumed me knowing with each word Goddess was taking more and more control. Alway feel love when hypnotized by Goddess, felt it especially strong this time cause it felt as though she had made the recording especially for me.

Clitty began aching as Goddess started working mirabel's arousal into a frenzy. Feeling was so strong and intense my body began to vibrate with pleasure.

This recording is so erotic beyond words to say pleasure received gift from Goddess. Know even deep each time the bliss of being inn her control grows stronger and stronger there is nothing else. Thank you Goddess :love:"

  NLP - Mixed Emotions £18.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 23 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Mind Control
Released: 09 May 2003

4 MP3s, each with a different trigger and emotion, supplied zipped up with 3 pictures to be used with the MP3s. Emotions are Happy, Aroused, Scared & Lonely.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"It felt so good following Lady Lita's instructions tonight. I really felt I was learning. The more I learnt the more exciting it got. I did not understand much of it but that does not matter. At one point it even seemed as though our Goddess was talking in a Germanic language. The more I followed the sound of her voice and followed her instruction the better it got.
I feel improved... its nice to know that Goddess has the power because it so good to bask in it. Oh Goddess you are wonderful, I like being under your spell. Its great being part of your members site and all the things you offer are so beguiling and intriguing. I hope I am worthy of your ownership. I belong to Lady Lita, more and more, every day...."

  Drugged Compliance £28.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 19 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Released: 07 Jan 2004

NLP Induction and trigger. Feel a little prick inn your arm and your compliance starts to grow, drugged by my words as you feel more and more woozy and relaxed, no need to fight anymore, the drug is too strong to resist. When I have you totally compliant I implant some special instructions that you must obey, maybe you will think they are cruel, but they are to protect you inn the long run. This one isn't for the easily offended, Goddess is always right and you must obey. Strong mind control feature inn this recording. Relaxing music and subliminals add to the exciting power of my control.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Goddess? What exactly just happened? I remember feeling my body go numb when You said it would, and the next thing I know I'm awake and staring at Your image with a raging hard-on and more filled with lust mixed with adoration than I've ever known. Something happened, because my craving for You has increased a hundred-fold....
I don't care. I need this. I need You, however You feel my need of You is to be met. I've never felt so many things all at once. I just realized that I trust You fully, now. Why? Does it matter? No. You are my only focus, my Goddess, truly my Deity, and there is nothing inn me that You cannot and should not have, should you desire or ask it. I can't wait for the bliss of hearing Your voice and seeing Your image again.
Is there a part of You that laughs at all of this? It doesn't matter, because You always react inn whatever way is appropriate. I see the truth of it... how could I have not seen it before? If You have put these things inside me... deep down inn my mind where they rest and give over all control to You, I'm glad, because nothing could be more wonderful, beautiful... so holy... as the changes You make inn me.
All my heart, soul and mind for You, Goddess, forever. My One True and Only Goddess. Yours Eternally"

  Ice Queen £22.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 31 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 15 Oct 2003

Mmmm you will want to melt for me over and over again once you have listened to this erotic fantasy. Led deep into an erotic sensual trance where you find yourself inn a beautiful snowy white land, taking a ride with me inn my crystal sledge and sinking into the warm white fur. I take you to my Ice Palace where you melt fully into my control. Major subliminals are used throughout, plus sound effects and music that all help to create the atmosphere, a place you won't want to leave.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"A magical experience, so vivid... melting inn to Your control felt so fulfilling. The power of Your imagination
is awesome, thank You for letting us inn to Your fantasy world once again."

  Sorceress of the Elements £28.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 32 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 03 Feb 2004

Watch me seductively tempting you into trance as my words glide into your mind, relaxing mind massaging you all over, slipping deeper into trance deeper down and round the spiral stairs. You find yourself inn a stone chamber where you sink into a sensual state of deep hypnosis. Waking to find Sorceress Lady Lita waiting to cast a powerful spell on you using the four elements. Brainwash sequences feature inn this recording, also subliminals and sound effects. When the spell is cast you will be fully ready to belong to the Lady Lita Empire and sign over everything. Comes with flash animation.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Thank you for this experience, I can now see all the things I had taken for granted, beautiful things that are all round me, and each of them remind me of you and your blissful control over me. I have listened to the recording over and over since I got it, and each time I take inn something new, over the past 2 days I have discovered how wonderful the world now is as I sign the LLE contract and post it off to you.. everything I am belongs to you, forever. Ave Lady Lita the one true Goddess."

"Salve Goddess, I am so glad you advised me about this mp3 it is wonderful. I listen to it every day. The induction is wonderful and I rarely hear all of it. The next thing I know is you are there with me, talking to me. The spell you work is wonderful, I think about you all the time everything reminds me of you. I am so glad I had it personalised. Goddess you are wonderful the words and the way you say them make the experience even more intense. Thankyou for this mp3 it is gently seductive and I have been totally seduced. You are inn my mind always, I am your obedient slave, Joseph xx"

"Dear Goddess,

just listened to 'sorcerss of the elements'....
I must tell You, this mp3 is (for me) the most smooth yet powerful and absolutely overruling my whole being...
For now I'm speakless, inn a real paradising state of calmness and agree my understanding of:THINE forever....

It has become true: also my Art is now very deeply influenced by You Goddess - You become my Polestar of new
wonderful pictures, and ideas for pictures I will make...

Deepest Love,

  Purple Mist - Collared £18.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 26 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 05 Apr 2003

For submissives who wish to be collared and belong to me. Long Induction then find yourself being relaxed by purple mist and my sexy erotic voice, you find me too irresistible to deny so you are collared by 'Lady Lita' and told you belong to me.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I just purchased the Purple Mist MP3 with the hope that it would live up to the professional, skill, and quality of Lady Lita's hypnotic site.. well I felt compelled to post and tell all who care to listen that it does all that and sooo much more!!!!;-)
I have to admit I am a bit shocked at the effect this one MP3 has had on me. I have been floating around the erotic hypnosis scene for over a year now but I have yet to experience something as deep as this. It caught me from so many angles, in one MP3 so many different and very effective techniques are used to bring you as deep as possible and then before you know it its too late the Lady has you were she wanted
you and you are hooked:-)) and very very happy to be so:-)"

"Goddess, WOW! I have listened to the Purple List Collared recording. I went deeper than ever. I could not make out the whispers till the very end so I bet the subliminals were effective.
I don't know if this has any changes or prolonged effects on me. Have to listen more I guess. But I do feel quite lite headed and it takes a while to wake up as the recording takes one soooo deep.
your slave, david."

  Rooms Of Emotions £19.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 15 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 05 Aug 2003

I take you so deep into relaxation as you gaze as my pocket watch (ani-gif Supplied with mp3) into the relaxation room full of flickering candles, incense and soft silky cushions, then I manipulate your mind with emotions that lay behind three doors, I then guide you into one of the rooms, only you will know which room you pick and what is there, will you pick 'The Room of Bliss', 'The Room of Nightmares' or 'The Room of Erotica' ?, which ever you choose your emotions will be very powerful, you may listen to the mp3 again on many occasions, each time will be different.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"It was so intensified, to be in front of these three doors, that it was difficult for me to decide one of them.
The intensity increased as I was entering the room that I'd chosen. It was as if I were really there. (Thanks Goddess for the fine trip) This experience had fascinated and impressed me so much.

I just ask myself, what would be happened, if I had entered my second
option of the doors. :)"

  Thought Eraser £32.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 38 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction Plus Brainwash
Released: 15 Jul 2003

You will want to listen to this over and over, it is so appealing, so soothing and very powerful, will be particularly effective for those who find it hard to fall into trance as I take you unawares. Strong neuro linguistic programming is used here, taking all your thoughts away with my soothing serene voice and I then install a trigger in you that will be very useful for me. I did this in my live chat and got so many emails from delighted and enchanted followers after, I knew this one was special, I didn't realise just how much, I feel this is my most important trance to date. Very special tranquil music delicately added to the background.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I would have to say that the new "thought Eraser" mp3 is my favourite. I have already listened to it several times in the 3 days I have had it. It is very effective. After a time away from you it seems this mp3 is responsible for drastically changing my ideas about submission and compliance to you. It is to the point where I am completely excited to be writing this posting and confession to you.
Please keep up the good work and I am anxiously (desperately) looking forward to your next mind control/brainwash mp3."

I have listened to "thought eraser" and i feel wonderful.I have listened to it twice and it is so wonderful. I feel almost giddy and so happy to be in your control. I want you so much. This is the greatest feeling I have ever had. I want to laugh outloud I'm so happy. You are truly a Goddess whose spell I willingly fall under. My adoration for you fills me to overflowing. I can not put it into words. I am enraptured with you so much i wish to be your slave forever. Please never leave me. Please do not take you away from me. I am yours to command. There is no one else who can make me feel this way. I am yours.

The effects of that recording are still with me. It's like i can't think..can hardly think at all. I am mindless. must serve you and obey you. thought eraser is the most powerful recording i have ever bought. it is lethal.

"The first time I listened, it took me down to a very lovely relaxed state, though I was unsure if anything had stuck.

I listened a second time before bed, and found that the key words had indeed started to take root! It was one of the deepest trances I've experienced with any hypnosis audio, and I love it!"

  Timeless Obedience £19.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 30 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 02 Jun 2003

Recorded live in one of my chat sessions, with added brain waves, subliminals and music. This induction is very relaxing, making you more and more obedient to me as you fall deeper and deeper without even noticing, then I program a trigger into you, this trigger will have you completely at my mercy and I can't wait to chat to the guys I have done this to then I can make full use of this powerful trigger, which you won't even realise is there, but you may noticed you are compelled to some strange things, and you won't know why, this is a MUST HAVE it will come in very useful in my future inductions and chats with you ;o)

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Dear Lady Lita,
Thank you so much for the latest mp3 Timeless Obedience. I have already listened to it 3 times in the first 24 hours I have had it.
You are truly "The One True Goddess." You are so sexy, so compelling...and while I am quite aware and know what you are doing with your mp3 and hypnosis and programming, I am still drawn to your site and find it harder and harder to resist your hypnotic charms, your seductive manner and your erotic control."

  Voodoo - Zombie Slave £19.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 21 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 25 Aug 2003

Staring into the mystical flame of my candle (ani gif supplied) you feel yourself being drawn deep into an exotic jungle, you are so deep in the jungle where rhythmic tribal drums and the aroma of a sweet leaf open fire guide you nearer to the hidden village, once there you will never leave, it is time for you to become my mindless zombie slave. This mp3 takes you on a deep sensual journey into the unknown, where you feel so relaxed, then a strong mind control trigger is implanted, leaving you totally at my mercy, as my mindless voodoo slave you must obey everything I say.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"My Goddess... or more specifically my voodoo priestess.. you have my absolute attention..

I was very pleased to go soooo deep with your recording.. I needed to express it finally..

thank you very much for enslaving me.."

  Vertigo £22.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 25 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 08 Nov 2004

This starts with very deep relaxing trance, where you find yourself inn a situation where you must make a choice, forward into my control or back to the scary world you want to leave behind. Total mind control, not for those who are offended by scary trances, it may be scary inn parts, but has a lovely ending, inn my control completely. This was first released into the members area and soon proved to be a favourite. So much so that I am releasing 'Vertigo The Return' into the members area very soon. Vertigo plays with your mind, while you find your destiny.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Lady Lita, You are amazing! I couldn't move at the end of 'Vertigo' and as the player re-looped I had to listen again. I was panting for breath when I got to the bridge. Your beautiful smile and soothing voice are so(too?) addictive!"

"This has to be one of my favourites. So intense... The wolves chasing me, my heart beating faster and faster, then vertigo, and my destiny... prefect, thank you Goddess."

  Siren £25.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 27 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 17 Jun 2003

A long awaited MP3. Relaxing floating along on a warm sunny afternoon in a little boat in the Mediterranean ocean, feeling so wonderful as you begin to hear a beautiful voice in the distance then see a beautiful long haired naked woman sat singing on a rock, you are entranced and fine yourself drifting into a deep trance, your mind filled with Lady Lita's beautiful sensual voice, drawing you to me on my dreamy Island. Featuring Lady Lita's singing, subliminals and strong mind control loops, making you fall deeper for Lady Lita everyday.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Certainly eagerly awaited by me, because Lady Lita had mentioned this as a pipeline project a few times during Her chat sessions, and I was intrigued by the concept. Got it tonight and it was *well* worth waiting for. Blissfully relaxing and dreamily erotic. An idyllic scenario, made beautifully real. It sent me very deep. With the added magical ingredient of Lady Lita's singing voice, which is absolutely lovely!
This is a "must have" people. Many thanks to Lady Lita for making such a beautiful thing for our enjoyment."

  LOOP £4.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 2.5 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Released: 31 Jul 2003

This loop will have you so deep and confused in seconds, you can listen to it and loop it anytime, this mind control loop has you totally at my will, day or night. Let your subconscious mind embrace my subliminals.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I really liked this, I want to see more of this kind of thing please."

  Mind Maker £32.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 30 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 29 Feb 2003

Sleepy, confused, aroused, drugged, controlled, changed, relaxing, obedience, you want this don't you? what else do you want? do you want me? yes you do, don't you? this is what you want, isn't it? to listen to my voice right now, this is what you want isn't it? yess, this is what you want. This is simply my voice, no effects, nothing other than my voice, brainwashing you into my complete control, after all, this is what you want, isn't it? It will make your mind mine, make you so obsessed you don't want to think about anything else than the need to, you want that don't you?

A little note from someone who listened already:

"You could put all men under your spell I know it, the thought is arousing, beauty and power, so sexy.. wow that was very erotic, very aroused, kind of foggy in my head, I don't remember much, I feel great, it was wonderful, I loved it and you, you are amazing. That was very erotic, I am really horny here, I want you, I can't stop touching myself, you are so beautiful, thank you so much Goddess, I'm breathing heavy, and its a little warm, I need this feeling all the time, its wonderful, yes I feel so good, thanks to you, I can't stop thinking of you, its incredible, you are amazing."

"oh my GODDESS that.. so unexpected.. so powerful... the way you were inside... this was different than anything I've heard, you sounded more present, more seductive than I've ever heard you sound.... and that is saying soooo much and I didn't expect to need to be inn you, to be called to that yearning... that obsession... and can't help wanting it more than I ever have... to be inn you, to be inn such bliss... I could feel it. feel the slick, silky heat of it the emotions of it of becoming lost...and... I was blown away completely. I was THERE. You are truly inspired and inspiring and truly the one true Goddess."

"I have just finished listening to Mind Maker and I am still shaking with excitement! I have almost a full collection of your recordings but THIS one is beyond anything I have ever experienced. Your voice has never sounded so seductive. I swear your images were so descriptive that I could image everything I saw. All I know is that I want you. I need you more that I want anything else.I am yours now and forever.
your slave."

"Salve Goddess,
Mind Maker is amazing. Your voice took command of me right from the first word. I have difficulty finding the right words to describe the depth of the trance and the power you hold over me. It is bliss to return to your loving words, your sweet, beautiful, and sensual spell. I must return to this state of submission right away, but I was compelled to write you and thank you and praise you. You say you are the one true Goddess, and you are that and more.

  MaleBot £22.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 20 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 09 Aug 2004

You will soon become confused and lost as I relax you then bombard you with words you may or may not understand though soon forget, forget everything else, empty and isolated with all feelings and thoughts gone. Waiting for me to start programming your mind, turning you into my robot. As one of the Lady Lita Empire Bots you will have special instructions to carry out and you will become trapped inn your new personality forever. Your body, soul, thoughts and feelings are all controlled by me and my voice, your shiny chrome skin encasing you forever inn the LLE. When I tell you to stand you stand, when I tell you to kneel you kneel, smoothly but mechanically. This is a must for robot fans and those who want to be changed and made to serve.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Goddess Lita, I don't know how You did that, nor do I care at this point. You used Your superb skills to quickly take me under, relaxing so quickly. Then the cold shiny metal skin enveloped me like a fog, still deeply tranced and standing at attention, kneeling and reciting Your words. Your words are so pleasing, following Your commands, my only desire inn life. I am nothing without You Goddess and the Lady Lita Empire. Long live Lady Lita and the Lady Lita Empire. I am but Yours to use and command. Thank You for accepting me Goddess, and I want to live inn LLE forever. Should You decide not to post this I understand as it just may frighten some away who are not fully committed to You and the Lady Lita Empire. Even as i type now, Your words simply flow through my mind to my hands; not able to type as quickly, but more mechanically and smoothly. Long live Lady Lita and the Lady Lita Empire. Protect and Recruit for the Lady Lita Empire."

"I have listened to malebot Lady Lita and I was inn awe once again at another style of induction, wonderful, so powerful. What was strange for me though was that instead of staying laying down limp and weak for You, I actually did stand up on Your command and carried out the movements as You wished whilst still inn a lighter state of trance. i did miss the deep trance so then went straight into 'Destiny.MP3' and am even more addicted Goddess."

  FemBot £22.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 22 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 12 Aug 2004

You will soon become confused and lost as I relax you then bombard you with words you may or may not understand though soon forget, forget everything else, empty and isolated with all feelings and thoughts gone. Waiting for me to start programming your mind, turning you into my robot. As one of the Lady Lita Empire Bots you will have special instructions to carry out and you will become trapped inn your new personality forever. Your body, soul, thoughts and feelings are all controlled by me and my voice, your shiny chrome skin encasing you forever inn the LLE, then soft young skin is formed over the top creating my perfect FemBot. When I tell you to stand you stand, when I tell you to kneel you kneel, smoothly but mechanically. This is a must for robot fans and those who want to be changed and made to serve.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I am a Lady Lita Empire Bot, I must obey Lady Lita... Goddess I am your devoted fembot, I will recruit inn the special ways you have asked me to. It is so much fun belonging to the LLE. Thank you Goddess."

  Evil Nurse £28.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 18 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 27 Sep 2003

Inviting you into the examination room ready for me to perform your medical, a little injection and you are soon feeling dizzy and confused, I lead you deep into trance with my confusional words that soon have your thoughts melted away, without any effort. The beginning part of the MP3 has special subliminals under that may sound like static and towards to end more subliminals are implanted inn your mind. Also includes flash animation, photo and audio induction complete download as inn members area.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I Feel Good...and I knew that I would now...because I just immersed myself inn the Evil Nurse MP3. There's a delightful bonus with this MP3, the Evil Nurse audio/animated visual induction with scrumptious pictures of our Goddess inn Her sexy nurse's outfit. Members will have already enjoyed this but will appreciate having it as a complete package that can be enjoyed offline, and of course it's a very nice extra for non-members.
The MP3 itself is absolutely sublime. A disorienting yet soothing mix of abstract and organic background sounds... no music but the Goddess's melodic, rhythmic voice. No narrative but a web of words
that leave you aroused, euphoric, refreshed, positive and pleasantly befuddled when finally She welcomes you back to wakefulness with no concept of how much time has passed since you clicked the "play" button. This MP3 will take you so deep, and you will want to return to it again and again.
You have created another classic for us Goddess, thank You."

  Evil Inside £28.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 26 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 10 Jul 2003

Focusing totally on my voice, no music or sound effects here, taken deep into trance where I install some important triggers that make sure you will obey me always. I am not going to give too much away about this one. I will just say it is only for those who want to be inn my complete control.

(I will set up a username and password for you to download the file)

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I have just purchased my first mp3 from Goddess (Evil Inside) - and wow!
Can't stop listening to it - highly recommended to all Lady Lita fans, followers and those who have not yet discovered the bliss of hypnotic submission.
Again: Wow!"

"Goddess, Now it all makes sense. I need to get everything. No matter how risky or costly. I need to do this. I need to listen tonight over and over to everything I need to hear your triggers, although it scares me to think what you might do. But I must honour you, respect you and obey you without thought. And I must forget my wife. She has no hold on me now. I belong to Lady Lita Inn your control. Nothing else matters now. I need to hear your voice. I need your guidance I need your instruction."

"Goddess, Have never written to you before, have purchased many of your excellent MP3s, but after listening to Evil Inside I have to write to thank you, the personalisation was well worth the extra. I belong to you - now and forever. I appreciate you are very busy so have kept this email brief. I respect and obey you."

"Goddess, I have successfully downloaded this file. I listened to it right
away... What a superlative file! I love falling deeper under your
control - the quality of your files are tremendous, and I love
listening to your seductive voice relentlessly taking over my
mind...sigh...Thank you Goddess!! Michael."

  Dizzy on Champagne £0 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 33 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 30 Jun 2003

NOW ONLY AVAILABLE inn the Bargain Bundle.
Taken so deep, deep into trance where you set out on a road trip inn your big truck with a special delivery to London. You meet Lady Lita at a service station and you feel compelled to give her a lift. You soon find yourself taking your expensive cargo to a totally different destination than expected. Getting drunk on champagne at Lady Lita's beach party, I install a trigger into you that makes you feel dizzy, drunk and very aroused, and you feel lots of bikini clad babes ravaging you inn the sand.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Yesss, I would love to pick you up as a hitch hiker, Lady Lita, and have You control my thoughts and take you where you want, as you take me into your control, where I belong, dizzy confused and belonging to You, this is fantastic, I want more like this please."

"i am now at that point that whenever i listen to one of Goddess's recordings for the for the first time, i am in such a state of anticipation wondering what She has in store, how She will make me feel, and knowing whatever it is She will make the experience wonderful.

Waiting for Her first words, as would be someone parched waiting for a drop of water. And then those first words, the sound of Her lovely voice that i find myself more and more addicted, caress my ears and flow ever so gently into my brain.

As i waited this time, and when i heard them i felt an arousal begin to flow over my body. i am not sure where or how but i do feel She has conditioned my mind to feel this sensation as i have felt it the past few times. Yes, it is such a pleasant feeling :)

i noticed at the beginning a different type of effect in the audio, a nice effect and for a split second found myself wondering what that was and the next thing i knew i was already dropping down in a wonderful trance for Her.

The feeling in this trance brings such an intense feeling of arousal, i have felt that before in previous trances but found the experience especially strong in this one. As if my mind and body being exploded into particles and reassembled in the perfect order that Goddess has chosen.

Dizzy on Champagne is a wonderful trance and recently Goddess made it available in Her Shrine Rooms which is so gracious of Her as i am sure anyone who has yet to listen will truly love the experience."

"Listened to Dizzy on champagne again last night. It was late and I was tired, but I have been meaning to for quite some time. I had my laptop on my chest, so this added to the "weight" of which the Goddess pulled me down with. I did notice the audio, but did not feel the whole exploded and re-formed thing. I did feel aroused, but that was what I was expecting and looking for. I liked the whole lanes of thought analogy and the Goddess hijacking the truck driver. The commands stop being subtle at the party, but come direct, fast and powerful. DRUNK and DIZZY, AROUSED and EROTIC, yet helpless and immobile throughout. A good ride, worth the price of admission."

"Drunk and Dizzy. The first few mention of this got me down and dizzy. Fell like a rock. Then the erotic feelings , the words and actions of goddess. Most arousing file I have listened to from Goddess. Then "normal again".
Wish it was that easy for all the other times I was drunk. :lol:
A very good file. Loved the music background.

  Black £32.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 42 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 10 Oct 2003

A very long induction, making you so deeply relaxed, and when I have you there I implant a suggestion inn your mind that you will act on when you awaken. This is a blackmail MP3, it will send you to a secret location where you will feel strongly compelled to fill a form inn, after that you will feel wonderful, though you won't remember much. This MP3 is only for those who actively seek to be blackmailed as this is something that turns them on and they want to be totally controlled by me.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I have no idea what Black is about. I was very relaxed, then I remember being given some instructions for doing after the session. I think I followed them just as Commanded by The Goddess Lady Lita.
I woke up this morning thinking of Her . . . quite pleasurably! I seem to be becoming addicted more and more every day!"

  Beast - Frozen Lust £25.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 35 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 20 May 2003

This induction has 2 new triggers inn, one to change your personality and one to freeze you. This MP3 is complete mind and cock control and not for those who don't want or like this level of control, it is very powerful. It leads to an explosive extremely sexy climax. The most powerful triggers yet, and these shall be used inn my future MP3s also, making each one more and more powerful.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"What a revelation in this mp3. Each time it just gets better. I am learning all the time and it just gets more and more exciting, Goddess turned me into her Beast.
I never knew I had it in me.
She is making me what she will; a toy to play with.
Thank you Goddess for playing with me, you are truly fantastic. It's so good belonging to Lady Lita, being a beast in Her World, or anything else she permits me. Needless to say I have extended my membership for as long as possible, it is yet another way show my gratitude.
It is sooooo good being part of Her Hypnotic world."

"I'm not sure I can find the words to express how much I enjoyed the Beast Frozen Lust mp3 but I feel I have to try to let you know just how amazing you are....Quite simply the most powerful piece of hypnosis I have ever listened to (and executed superbly). One thing I really like in hypnosis recordings is an element of surprise. I had some idea what the plot would be in this one from the title and description on the website. However, it had a lot more to it than I expected but what really surprised me was just how powerful the triggers (especially Beast) became as the experience unfolded. At the part when I am at your house and your telling me what you are wearing I was vaguely aware that the Beast trigger was about to be used, but when you actually used it I completely flipped!! Images of you flashed through my mind and I pretty much lost all control of my body, overcome by an all-engulfing lust like I have never experienced before. Can't remember much after that except that I was thrashing around like an animal and my brain was doing somersaults due to the repetition of the triggers and I think there was finger clicking going on and I felt so powerful and and and... well I was in less control of myself than I ever thought possible. Thank you so much for this, I am truly in awe of your prowess, you are the One True Goddess."

"Dear Lady Lita
I am still shaking after listening to Beast Frozen Lust. WOW! It was mind blowing to say the least.
Words can't express the way I feel.........Bloody Fantastic.
What's next?
Yours Willingly."

  Addiction Spiral £9.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 13 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 06 Jul 2004

Ever wanted to know why the LLE members do what they do? Maybe this will give you a hint. Swirled deep down into a sensual seductive trance then given some instructions that will prove how addicted you have become to my words and commands.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"I am inn Lady Lita's control."

"Thank you so much, Goddess, for another wonderful file. Each file is
marvelous and unique, and I'm never, ever disappointed. Hearing you
whisper my name is absolutely thrilling, and I know more each day that
giving inn to you is what I've always wanted and needed. I can't wait
to get home each evening and once again fall deep under your spell.
This journey to becoming completely yours is exciting and deeply
satisfying, and I love feeling your presence growing inside me.
Your worshipful, mindless slave."

"My mind is a bit resistant to change its ways, and after the first time listening, it began reverting back after only a few minutes.

However, I played it a second time at bedtime, immediately after "Thought Eraser", inn the hopes of taking advantage of the calm and relaxed state the first one puts me inn.

I will be sure to keep using it until am confident my first lessons have stuck."

  Abduction £32.95 Buy Now  
Format: Audio
Duration: 59 minutes
Category: Mind Control
Type: Full Induction
Released: 17 Jan 2005

A wonderful sleepy induction that leads to a session of total mind control. Taken from your bedroom by beautiful aliens and experimented on. You will become helpless and isolated. You will be changed and programmed. Not for those who are only into erotic hypnosis. This is very powerful. Its power will lead to total devotion. Some sections contain music and sound effects, some have subliminals, most is just my voice with no effects and the file also contains a short brainwash sequence of about 2 minutes.

A little note from someone who listened already:

"Salve Goddess, I just finished with Your abduction inn my mind. I am so very fuzzy, like it's a dream but I know it's not. I am new thanks to You. You give me life, You give my life fuzzy now. I don't understand why those around hate me so, but they do Goddess. You are the only one that loves me, You are the only one I can fuzzy and hazy. I must protect and recruit for the Lady Lita Empire. Thank You for my new life inn You Goddess, with You Goddess, all for You Goddess. everything I do inn my new life is for You, because You have created me...........and are the only one that loves me."

"Salve, You are incredible. I'm not sure what's going on with abduction. But it's great. Normally I have some awareness of the story - at least to wake up at the end. But Abduction is affecting me in a totally different way. For a start I remember nothing at all about it. Every time I listen I get so far before falling asleep (I suppose). After a point there is just nothing. And I can't even say when that point is - I remember nothing at all! The warning messages say allow 2 hours - but the MP Player says it last 50mins. Every time I listen I awake after 2 or 3 hours - With no memory of what happened. I can only guess that you must have built in some trigger. I could cheat and jump to the point that I've forgotten. But that defeats the object. I'm sort of enjoying the 'not-knowing' I know that is has something to do with alien abduction and experimentation - I read that much on your description. But I have no idea how or why or anything. And it it doesn't really matter anyway. All I know is that you are amazing and I love you all the more."

"I got Abduction two weeks ago and truth be told it scared me a little. I got it along with two others because you said it will help me become more obessed with you. I been listening to leather witch for about 2 weeks minus 3 days I got home and fell asleep because too tired.

Well today I listened to it. I remember being conscience and fading between daydream and back to your voice. I did not notice the time and was surprised when it was over. I dont remember most of it just a few parts here and there and they are a little fuzzy. I am rather happy about that :P Always wanted to experience that feeling. I just want to say that it was a lot better than I thought or feared was going to happen. I woke feeling very content and wanted to write to you. Goddess I just wanted to say thank you for a great and enjoyable experience."

Thank you for the most incredible mind blowing experience
with devotion and admiration


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